Sizing problems all over the place

11 years 5 months ago - 11 years 5 months ago #31604 by ivan.milic
since images must respect aspect ration you could use max-width and max-height style properties expressed in % for image instead of width and height.

so it could be like this imaging you want first image to be 40% and second 60% of height:

<img style="width:auto;height:auto;max-width:100%;max-height:40%" ..
<img style="width:auto;height:auto;max-width:100%;max-height:60%" ..

just make your images large so they fill whole width on normal screen size naturally.
Last edit: 11 years 5 months ago by ivan.milic.

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  • mtnerd
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11 years 5 months ago #31614 by mtnerd
I don't think this will fix the problems that the system is only showing one column of the images. Please, please look at the sample pages shown on this menu pages -
Fly Rod Specs
Fishing Images & Stores
Links & more

Your tip on the img style will help a lot but we've still got some other big issues with the layout cutting off the right side of the article.

I'll give this a try but please see the samples. I'm starting to look at other solutions because I'm very concerned that this isn't going to produce the layout that we need.

Thanks!! Deb

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  • mtnerd
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11 years 5 months ago #31615 by mtnerd
OK, I tried setting the size parameters for the images on the first side with <img style="....."> and played around with a number of variations. The results were....educational. I was able to make the image smaller (shorter) but it was horribly distorted. I noticed that with the max-width:100%, the second image was always stretched across the page. (The first image looks fine because it's supposed to span the full width of the space. There are 3 images to the right of the second image that aren't appearing.) With a 40% height on the second image, this was very ugly. So I started playing around with max-width and was able make the image smaller but none of the images that are to the right appeared on the page.

I checked the image in firebug - the module is setting the img width to 890px!! What is up with that?!!

Can't we just dump what's in the article file, formatting with my settings, into the container? I haven't looked at the module code but it looks like it's trying to "fix" stuff and take apart my layout. I want my layout table and css parameters.

I've set everything back to my set-up for now.

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11 years 5 months ago #31619 by ivan.milic
You can use !important flag to win priority over any other place property is set:

<img style="width:auto!important;height:auto!important;max-width:100%!important;max-height:40%!important;" ..
<img style="width:auto!important;height:auto!important;max-width:100%!important;max-height:60%!important;" ..

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  • mtnerd
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11 years 5 months ago #31621 by mtnerd
I pasted in the second line for the second image and this is the code that the module produces -
<img border="0" style="width: 890px; height: auto ! important; max-width: 100% ! important; max-height: 60% ! important;" src="/sgr25/jupgrade/images/carousels/accessgifts.png">

What is up with the 890px?!!

I'm beginning to feel like I've been swindled on this. I need answers about -
(1) why aren't my other images appearing
(2) how to make the length of the container flexible
(3) yes, we're working on how to make the images that are showing up, sized properly, but we're aren't making any progress.

Again - Can't we just dump what's in the article file, formatting with my settings, into the container? I haven't looked at the module code but it looks like it's trying to "fix" stuff and take apart my layout. I want my layout table and css parameters.

My sample articles are in the same style as, but they certainly do not look that way through Hot Joomla Carousel Pro. I was told that this system could do this.


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11 years 5 months ago #31624 by ivan.milic
In carousel pro settings set:

Remove Images Style = YES
Cleanup HTML Code of Articles = NO

If that set carousel will not alter your HTML.

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