WordPress Plugins and Custom Blocks
Club membership provides access to all our WP themes and plugins: Join Today
WordPress plugins developed by Hot Themes extend the core features of WordPress. They are also used in our themes for various purposes, such as image sliders, contact forms, maps, etc. With thousands of plugins available in the official plugins repository, WordPress is very flexible. Almost all website features that you can imagine are covered by one or more WordPress plugins.
The new era of WordPress is all about blocks. The blocks are pieces of content that your website is built from. There are plenty of core blocks that satisfy the basic needs and there are also custom blocks that bring more power to WordPress. With Hot Themes club membership, you will get instant access to all our WordPress products, including plugins, custom blocks, and themes.
Hot Blocks
A collection of WordPress blocks for use with the WordPress block editor (aka Gutenberg). It contains blocks for various purposes and new blocks are added over time.
Hot Random Image
WordPress Random Image plugin adds a shortcode and widget that shows a randomly picked image from a selected folder where images are stored.