Module for Joomla and VirtueMart 2.0+ that scrolls your products showing the product's image, name (linked to the product page) and price.

We created VirtueMart scroller for our Joomla/VirtueMart eCommerce template and then decided to share it with Joomla and VirtueMart community. We hope you will find it useful for your online store based on the latest Joomla and VirtueMart. This module used advanced animation effects based on jQuery. You can select one of the 31 available easing types.

If you need to scroll your VirtueMart products, this is a module for you!

Usage Instructions

Open module parameters in Extensions > Module Manager > VirtueMart Scroller. You'll see that some default parameters are already there. However, you should change some of them to accommodate the module for usage on your site.

  • Load Script Run-time: Disable this except on first one if you have multiple scrollers on page.
  • Number of Products: The number of products that will be shown in the scroller.
  • Product Category ID: Products in a specific category (0 - all categories).
  • Featured Products Only: Display only products that are featured (marked special).
  • In which order the products shall be displayed: Defines the display order of the products.
  • Direction: Horizontal or vertical scrolling mode.
  • Transition effect: Please select a transition effect (31 available).
  • Module width (% or px): Enter module width in percents or pixels (in example 100% or 950px).
  • Module height (only px): Enter module height in pixels (in example 100px).
  • Item width (only px): Enter one item's width in pixels (in example 200px).
  • Space between items (in px): Enter space between two items in pixels (in example 10px).
  • Speed (milliseconds): Enter scrolling speed in milliseconds (in example 1500).
  • Delay (milliseconds): Enter pause between two scrolls in milliseconds (in example 4000).
  • Background Color: Select background color for the module.
  • Panel Color: Select background color of panels where products are shown.
  • Border Color: Select border color for the panels.
  • Border Thickness (in px): Enter border thickness in pixels (in example 1px).
  • Panel Margin (in px): Enter margin between panels in pixels (in example 10px).
  • Show Product Title: Defines whether the title of the product is displayed or not.
  • Title Color: Select title color.
  • Title Hover Color: Select title hover color.
  • Title Align: Select left, right or center align of the title.
  • Image size (in px): Scale images to this image size (in example 120px).
  • Image Align: Select left, right or center align of the images.
  • Show Product Short Description: Shows the product's short description if available.
  • Description Color: Select color for description text.
  • Description Align: Select left, right or center align of the description.
  • Show Prices: Show or hide the prices for the displayed products.
  • Price Color: Select color for price text.
  • Price Align: Select left, right or center align of the price text.
  • Show Add-To-Cart Link: Select whether to show Add-To-Cart links or not.
  • Cart Color: Select color for Add-To-Cart text.
  • Add To Cart Text: Change default 'Add to cart' button text.
  • Caching: Select whether to cache the content of this module
  • Cache Time: The time before the module is recached.


  • Original VirtueMart Scroller module for Joomla 1.5 and VirtueMart 1.0 by Oh-Taek Im.
  • jQuery
  • jQuery UI