Gaming website template - Hot Gaming Zone can help you to create your own website about video games. On this site, you can publish video game reviews, walkthroughs, and other stuff related to this industry.
Our first steps into the magical world of computers are usually made because of some breathtaking video games. Nowadays, the industry of video games is as valuable as the movie industry. Many predictions say it would be even more valuable in the future. In ninety's, we used to play games in the entertainment saloons. Later, video games became available in our homes on the first 8-bit and 16-bit computers and consoles. Modern video games are more than just games. They are simulations of lives that we may be liked to live, but couldn't. We can be pilots of Boeing 747. We can drive a super modern car over 200 miles per hour. We can play football against Messi or be a secret agent or a war veteran.
Everything is possible in the modern video games and that's probably the answer to the question: Why they became so popular?
Unfortunately, we can't live from playing video games. That's a shame, really! :) If we can't just play games, we can make a site about games using our gaming website template and write about games (in pauses of playing). If you have enough readers, the such web site could bring a good extra income.
Gaming Website Template Key Features
This is the list of the template's most important features:
- 100% valid and responsive HTML/CSS code.
- 4 pre-defined styles with the different main colors. Each color is easily customizable in parameters. Infinite color combination.
- Hot Swipe Carousel and Hot Film Tape modules included with template, pre-installed and configured. Commercial modules included in the template are free for you if you buy the template.
- HotStart (SQL dump) available with both single purchase or membership plan. It copies template with all extensions and demo data.
- 16 collapsible module positions. You can add more within the Sparky Framework.
- A selection of 800+ Google Fonts is available through the template options panel. The latest version of the Font Awesome icons collection is included.
- SEO friendly.
- PSD source file and fonts are available.
- Drop-down top menu.
- Compatible with Edge, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera. Compatible with iOS and Android mobile browsers.
- Support for RTL (right-to-left) languages.