Responsive BNB Joomla Template

A clean and modern design dedicated to the websites for apartments or houses that are rented as BNBs (bed and breakfasts). Various additional functions are added as modules.

There are two carousels on the home page for different use cases (simple image slider and testimonials). Also, the best images of the BNB can be presented in a horizontal infinite scroll module. Display of the BNB location and current weather conditions are also supported in modules.

"Bed and breakfast" (often abbreviated as BNB or B&B) refers to a type of accommodation where guests stay in private houses or apartments and are provided with a room for overnight accommodation and optionally breakfast in the morning. In a typical bed and breakfast object, guests stay in private bedrooms, often furnished with amenities similar to those found in hotels, such as a bed, wardrobe, and sometimes additional features like a kitchen or additional furniture like a desk or chair. One of the specific features of bed and breakfast accommodations compared to hotels is the personalized service and often intimate atmosphere, as guests interact closely with the hosts or innkeepers, who sometimes also reside on the property. Many BNBs are located in historic places, quaint cottages, picturesque countryside settings, or nearby beaches, offering guests a unique and cozy experience.

If you are the owner of a BNB or just developing a website for a BNB owner, we believe the Hot BNB Joomla template will be a great starting point in establishing a profitable business. It will be a good channel of communication with the prospective guests.


Carousel module in the BNB template

Carousel Modules

There are 2 carousels in this template. The first is a simpler image carousel on the top. The second carousel is used for the testimonials and it has much more options for different use cases.

Both modules are optimized for both desktop and mobile devices. The control of the slide show is possible on classic screens and touch screens.

Page Builder

All demo content of the BNB template is created using our Sparky Page Builder - a native Joomla editor on steroids. You can use this editor to accomplish the creation of your content pages easier. For example, you can change text and media without hassle, add, copy, move, and delete elements easily without any HTML or CSS coding.

It lets you edit all the content visually. You can add sections with columns that are later filled up with content blocks of various types (text, media, icons, modules, etc.). It also lets you move all the elements around visually, using the drag-and-drop method.


Page builder in the BNB Joomla template


BNB template is powered by the Sparky Framework

The Sparky Framework

The Sparky Framework is a parent template of the BNB (child) template. At the heart of all our templates is this framework. All of its powers are transferred to the BNB child template. From the simpler changes (like font styling) to the more complex operations (like changes in the layout), everything is done within the framework.

In the template options, you can use drag-and-drop Layout Builder to adjust or add more module positions. The framework also lets you select Google fonts, and change all the colors, menus, logo images, and more without hassle. Based on your settings, the framework creates static CSS and Javascript files for faster loading.


This template includes a responsive drop-down menu with submenu panes. All the settings of the drop-down menu are in the template parameters.

Besides the default menu type, the framework lets you use other menu types, such as an off-canvas menu, mega menu, horizontal menu, and static menu.


Drop-down menu in the BNB template


5 pre-defined color variants

5 Color Variants

There are 5 color schemes included with the Hot BNB Joomla template.

If none of these pre-defined variants match your company branding, you can create your color scheme through the template settings. Also, you can fine-tune one of the pre-defined color schemes.

Hot Maps and Weather

The Hot Maps module can show the location of your company and navigate the clients to this address using Google Maps. The Hot Weather module shows the weather conditions for any location.

You can use the module with or without an API key. The API key is required if you need advanced customizations of the map's styling and also the weather module.


Google Maps and Weather in BNB template


Scrolling images module

Hot Image Scroller

The Hot Image Scroller is a simple module that can scroll a collection of your images horizontally. It's ideal for the best photos of your bed and breakfast house or apartment.

Hot BNB - Template Screen Shots

The following images represent the screenshots of the Hot BNB Joomla template.
You can see all home page variants and some interior pages in different color schemes.


Template Features

  • Responsive template, based on clean CSS/CSS3 code, and powered by the Sparky Joomla template framework.
  • The Sparky Page Builder is included with this template. All demo content is created using this page builder. Edit and create your content effortlessly.
  • Joomla extensions included: Hot Swipe Carousel, Hot Carousel, Hot Weather, Hot Image Scroller, Hot Simple Contact, and Hot Maps
  • 5 pre-defined styles with different colors. All colors are easily customizable in Sparky options (infinite color options).
  • Customization of the template's layout and adding/removing module positions is easy. It's powered by the Sparky Framework drag-and-drop Layout Editor. Change the layout and element's dimensions easily whenever you need.
  • The compatibility with all future Joomla! versions is guaranteed!
  • HotStart (quick start installation) is available with both a single purchase or membership plan. It copies the template with all extensions and demo pages easily.
  • An unlimited number of module positions can be added easily within the Layout Editor of the Sparky Framework if needed.
  • A selection of 800+ locally hosted Google Fonts is available through the template options panel. The latest version of the Font Awesome icons collection is included.
  • PSD source file and fonts are available.
  • The top menu system with the presentation of the menu items in multiple levels in the drop-down panes.
  • Tested with Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Apple Safari, and Opera browsers. Tested on Apple iOS and Android mobile devices. Support for RTL (right-to-left) languages.