While most people know that you need to use SSL protocol to establish a safe link between a network and a browser, that isn’t an infallible fix. You have been told that Secure Socket Layers encrypt data so that it is secure and that a website with a URL beginning with ‘https’ means that this protocol is observed. Yes, that’s good, but it’s not the end-all in Internet safety. Install an SSL certificate by all means, but IT security experts at SecureForensics.com recommend that you don’t ignore these five ways to keep your Joomla website secure.
1. Strengthen Your Admin Login
One of the most common mistakes many site administrators make is in failing to strengthen the login process. Never keep the username as admin and always create a long and complex password using both upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters. The stronger you make your password, the harder it will be to hack your site.
2. Beware of Extensions
Never overload your site with too many extensions. In recent years, it was discovered that most trojans come from 3rd party extensions, and while those extensions are intended to enhance the UX, they also have the potential to leave a back door open for hackers.
3. Don’t Be So Quick to Give Out Permissions!
You will also want to be selective when granting permissions and access to the server database. While your employees and IT staff may need to access the site to work on design and/or content, they don’t usually need admin privileges. They may be safe, but if their computer has been attacked, a worm can easily transfer itself to your database. That could spell a disaster for everyone involved.
4. Update and Back Up Regularly
Actually, security isn’t the only reason you want to update and back up your site regularly. While you know that this can be a lifesaver in terms of preventing irrecoverable data based on a power surge or network failure, it can also allow you to totally wipe your current site to reload everything you’ve erased if you feel your site has been compromised between the last backup and the present time.
A firewall can moreover tell you if a network you are trying to join is not secure, advising you that you shouldn’t connect to it.
5. Regular Forensic Analysis
If you feel your site has been compromised, it’s time to call on forensic security pros like those mentioned above at Secure Forensics. If you’ve been breached, they will find the problem and correct it. Even in the absence of a breach, a regular analysis will tell you that all is well and that you can continue on working with your Joomla webpage as usual.
Unfortunately, many people sadly believe that using an SSL certificate and an Internet security platform will prevent a Joomla site from being hacked. Those features are important, but there are other steps you can take to ensure maximum security. Never underestimate the ability of today’s tech savvy hackers. The only way to keep them at bay is to use a wide assortment of security measures, and these five are a good start to keeping your Joomla site safe and secure.