If you experience problem with VirtueMart when you try to send email (product purchase, ask a question button...), this solution might help you to fix this.
This problem usually looks like this: When user clicks a button, VirtueMart shows an error page instead of sending an email and showing a confirmation message. To fix this, you will need to access PhpMyAdmin for your server. It's usually part of your hosting cPanel. If you don't know how to reach PhpMyAdmin, please consult your hosting provider.
We are still not sure why it happens, but we discovered that changing superadministrator's user id number in MySQL table fixes the issue. So, depending of the template you are using, here are the valid user id's:
- Furniture Store template - 272
- Ecommerce template - 354
- Fashion Store template - 93
- Cosmetics template - 777
- Drug Store template - 492
- Bookstore template - 42
- Watches template - 42
- Shoes template - 42
- Baby Shop template - 42
Edit #_users table
After logging in to PhpMyAdmin, open database that your Joomla is using. When you see a list of Joomla tables, click Browse next to table #_users (# is your db prefix) and change id for super admin user to 42 (or value appropriate for your template - see above!). To change value, double-click on it, enter new value, and press Enter.
Edit #_user_usergroup_map table
Similarly, click Browse next to table #_user_usergroup_map (# is your db prefix) and change user_id for super admin user to 42.
After this, your VirtueMart should start sending emails normally and showing the confirmation messages. If it still can't send emails, make sure your email server is properly configured in Joomla Global Configuration.