Many people are not sure whether the multi-blog site can be created with the help of Joomla or not. You can obtain various solutions and suggestions on how to reach the result for the multi-blog site. There are various possibilities for managing multi-blog sites with Joomla. Now, let us discover all the resources and solutions.

Advantages of Joomla Extensions

If you are bored with all the standard features of Joomla, you can try out various unique components offered by the Joomla community and can use them in multi-blog sites.

  • Multiple authors can be managed easily.
  • You can allow permissions to the users for their contribution to your site and for maintaining their blogs on those sites.
  • The built-in comment systems can be monitored through the Joomla extensions. The comments can include Disqus, Facebook, and others.
  • Multiple authors can be managed easily.
  • The social buttons can be implemented through Facebook, and Twitter for the sharing activities of the blogs.
  • The existing WordPress blogs can be imported to Joomla.


Manage Joomla Multi Blog Site

Joomla Extensions for Multi Blog Sites

There are various extensions for multi-blog sites. Now, let us learn the benefits of installing them:

JoomBlog (Link)

This component can be easily used for setting up the blog on your website. From a single resource, two or more blogs can be managed. The blogs can either be personal or professional with team blogging features. This allows various bloggers to contribute to the same website. As a site administrator, you can allow different users to write in different categories. You can decide whether the members should have administrative authority for sharing their posts in the blog section or not. It also includes:

  • The comment system for allowing different feedback from the readers. The Gravatar service can also be included for identifying the users and their comments. You can also auto-update by removing the negative votes and can hide all the spam comments.
  • Proper display of information in different browsers.
  • Due to the easily operated interface, you can manage all your blogs through this tool in your website. The blog settings can easily be adjusted and managed for creating new blogs with the help of the dashboard.
  • The brand awareness can be increased by installing the social buttons of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and StumbleUpon which are built-in with the settings of JoomBlog.

K2 (Link)

You can manage a single blog or a series of corporate web resources through the K2 extension with Joomla. Your website can easily be converted into a news portal, products catalog, magazine, etc. with the help of this particular extension. All the basic items can easily be expanded into different fields like blog posts, articles, product pages, and different content which can be categorized into various groups. The features of K2 include:

  • Image management with auto resizing features is allowed with this extension.
  • The excellent content modules can help in the setup of the site.
  • The front-end editing including the control settings can be activated for improved content management.
  • This extension allows for making user profiles, user blogs, and user groups.

This component has been supported in many of our products, such as Model Agency template, Music Band template, Joomla Church template, etc.

EasyBlog (Link)

This is a well-known Joomla extension that can manage different blogs on a single site. Different types of blogs like personal, corporate, and even team blogs can easily be managed through this builder. It can help you to:

  • Share blogs with the help of various social media platforms.
  • Support various authors and the different SEO plug-ins.
  • The blogs can be relocated from WordPress, Myblog, or K2.
  • It can display news from other news portals by the feed import activities.

All the popular Joomla extensions are available online. Usually, you can just download the free versions with a limited set of options before buying the premium version.

Author Bio: Lalit Sharma is an SEO consultant who runs a SEO house called Ranking By SEO. He is specialized in link building and other SEO-related activities. You can also find him on Twitter and his personal blog.