Joomla 3.9 - 100% GDPR Compliant

Last week, Joomla! core team has released Joomla! 3.9.0. While we are patiently waiting for the first stable release of Joomla! 4.x series, this is the last huge upgrade of Joomla! 3.x series.

However, you should not miss this release as it brings some really useful features to your site. This is the first 100% GDPR Compliant release of Joomla! You don't need to rely on 3rd party's extensions anymore in your efforts to make your website GDPR compliant. Everything you need is now included in Joomla! core. Your registered users can submit requests regarding their accounts and you can either export or delete all traces of their existence on your website through your Joomla! administrator's interface. Very simple and very useful feature, especially if your business is based within EU borders or does business with EU customers.

And this is not the only enhancement of Joomla! CMS.

If your site have multiple administrator accounts, you can now log and trace all administrative actions. There's also a new core plugin that can rotate and remove your log files automatically.

Content management is also improved. Now, you can assign notes to the articles and filter them per notes. Also, it's now possible to filter articles from the backend by content, not just by name, author, etc.

reCAPTCHA plugin now supports v3 of this popular anti-spambot plugin by Google. Also, newsflash module and latest articles module now have additional options. It's not necessary to create template overrides for each simple feature you need, such as an intro image in the newsflash module or filtering content by author in the latest articles module.

Finally, we tested all our Joomla templates against Joomla! 3.9 and didn't find any major compatibility problems. All quickstart installations of our templates are upgraded and are now based on Joomla! 3.9. If you are starting with the development of a new website, it's strongly recommended to re-download the template package from our site before installation.