The Sparky Framework dynamically generates the HTML code of your website. The code will be generated in accordance with the elements you included in the Layout.

Sparky Framework also dynamically makes a CSS file as per parameters you entered in the Sparky’s template options. This CSS file contains dimensions of your elements, font properties, colors, background images, etc. This file is re-generated and saved with a new name every time you save Sparky’s template options. The CSS file name uses this pattern:


In this pattern, X is your template style ID and Y is time stamp.

Similarly to CSS, the Sparky Framework also dynamically makes two JS files, as per parameters you entered in Sparky’s template options. These JS files could be less or more complex, depending of the features you included. The JS file names use this pattern:


In this pattern, X is your template style ID and Y is time stamp.

You should never edit this dynamically generated CSS and JS files. Obviously, since the files are regenerated after each save of Sparky’s template parameters, your changes will be lost as soon as you save the parameters next time.