HotThemes Blog (continued at 280)
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- Written by: Milos Stankovic
- Category: News & Tips

We are witnesses to a flood of responsive websites and templates. All the promises that, if your site uses them, it will look great on all screen sizes and all mobile devices based on iOS (iPad, iPhone, and iPod) and Android (Samsung Galaxy, Google Nexus, etc.). But how actually you can test this. Should you go to your favorite electronic store and buy all those devices?
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- Written by: Milos Stankovic
- Category: News & Tips
Some of our templates have the reflection JavaScript incorporated. It creates a nice reflection effect of the images. This script has problems with the new Internet Explorer IE10 and instead of the reflected image, it shows a duplicate of the image.
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- Written by: Milos Stankovic
- Category: Joomla Installation

One of the coolest new features of Joomla 2.5 is the possibility of the automatic one-click updates. It's not necessary to download and upload the patches by FTP anymore. The update process is completely automatic now. But, not always completely problems free.
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- Written by: Milos Stankovic
- Category: Joomla Security Tips

K2 is probably the most popular Joomla component today. It enables Joomla with two very important features that in our opinion should be incorporated into the core Joomla. Besides the many other features, the two most important features are content tagging and comments on articles. The comment form in your article pages is one of the most often used for spamming. There's no better way for a spammer to get a link from your site than to leave a pointless comment on your article.
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- Written by: Milos Stankovic
- Category: Joomla Installation
Before you start, please keep in mind that HotStart is a new Joomla installation. Don't try to install it into your existing Joomla. After you accomplish this process, you would get a new Joomla with the Hot Relief template preinstalled. Basically, HotStart is like ordinary Joomla installation, but the SQL file with sample data is modified so it included the demo data that you can see on our Hot Relief demo.
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- Written by: Milos Stankovic
- Category: Joomla Template Tutorial

You have probably already heard about the responsive web design or about the responsive web sites and the responsive templates. Many people don't make any difference between the regular and the responsive web design. This is a new approach in web design, not because it uses some new or super modern techniques, but because it's needed today much more than it was needed in the past. On this page, we will explain why responsive websites are so popular these days.
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- Written by: Milos Stankovic
- Category: News & Tips
VirtueMart 2.0.2 is available for download. This version fixes several bugs from the previous versions, adds support for two more payment processors and, most importantly, allows usage of VirtueMart 2.0 with the latest Joomla 2.5. We have been fast as always, so new versions of our VirtueMart templates are already available for download.
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- Written by: Milos Stankovic
- Category: News & Tips

On January 25, 2012., the new version of Joomla has become available for download. It's Joomla 2.5. Many Joomla users who are not so familiar with the history of Joomla CMS would think it's another major release that's very different from the previous. Also, many users are probably concerned about the complexity of the update process.
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- Written by: Milos Stankovic
- Category: Joomla Installation
When installing Joomla, the installer script asked you to select a language. The English language was selected by default. But you remember well that you selected your native language. However, when you opened the Joomla backend, everything is still in English.
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- Written by: Milos Stankovic
- Category: Joomla Template Tutorial
Joomla modules are designed to work in module positions. However, many users requested to have the ability to use Joomla modules inside Joomla articles. For this purpose, Joomla comes with functionality to display module in content.
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